How to Be a Good Wedding Date

Wedding Guests – The etiquette of the wedding date

When you are invited to be someone’s guest, it’s a great opportunity to dress up, meet new people, have a nice meal, perhaps do some dancing, and socialize. But to be a great wedding “plus one,” you must also realize that you are doing your companion a service. You’re being asked to help your friend or partner make a positive impression on the wedding hosts and to contribute to the joy and positivity of the festivities. Knowing good wedding etiquette can really help.

Here are some guidelines on how to be a gracious wedding guest:

Check with your host ahead of time to find out how formal or informal the wedding is, so you can dress appropriately. While dining, be aware of your table manners, and remember that the meal at events is not about the food, but rather the company and conversation. You’ll be meeting a lot of new people for the first time, so enjoy the small talk but be mindful and avoid hot-button, mood-killing topics like sex, politics, and religion. Remember this is a celebration and everyone is there to have fun, not to get dragged into a heavy debate or argument.

If another guest tries to take you down the rabbit-hole of dark family gossip or aunt Jane’s horrible health problems, either steer the conversation in a sunnier direction … or politely excuse yourself to get a drink. And speaking of drinking, watch your alcohol intake. After all, you’re there to help make your date look good. So, it’s wise to be on your best behavior. Limiting your alcohol consumption is the best way to avoid any embarrassing drunken mishaps or faux pas. You don’t want to be the train-wreck wedding guest that the bride’s family still talks about ten years later. When it’s time to hit the dancefloor, have fun, but do your best to keep it dignified. Think sophisticated, not sexpot. And above all, when you’re talking about your host to the other wedding guests, always portray them in the best possible light. After all, a big part of your job at the wedding is to help them look good! Being a stellar wedding guest is really fairly simple. Just remember that you’ve been asked to help your host look good to his or her friends and relatives—and have a great time. Navigating the occasion with grace, good manners and kindness will help ensure you get many more invitations in the years to come. 

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