The Polite Society | Tips for Giving Your Host the Perfect Hostess Gift

Tips on giving the Perfect Hostess Gift.

Everyone knows you don’t show up to a party or gathering empty-handed. But a great hostess gift may not be as simple as bringing a bottle of wine. When you arrive, make sure to thank the host for having you to their home or holiday event and present them with a hostess gift. Here are some quick tips on what is most appropriate and appreciated.

Make sure it isn’t perishable

  • The hostess gift can be something seasonal, and appropriate for the holiday get-together. Make sure it is something that can be set aside (non-perishable), to enjoy at a later time, or that it will add value to the event a piece of holiday décor or something the host can set out immediately.

Avoid flowers that aren’t in a stand-alone pot or vase

  • Running to get an empty vase is not on the host’s priority list and can become an inconvenience.

Send a flower arrangement ahead of time

  • It is a kind gesture to send a flower arrangement, in a vase, ahead of time so they can enjoy or use it for the event.

Bringing wine or spirits can be tricky

  • Unless you know the host and their preferences, this can be tricky. Make sure if you do, have in a gift bag or with a bow so the host knows you aren’t intending to drink at said holiday event, and that it is a gift for them. The host should have beverages available to guests and will likely have wines already selected that go with the meal.

Don’t expect the host to open your gift right away

  • If the host doesn’t open your gift at the time and sets it aside, don’t be discouraged, they have many things going on at once and will appreciate it a bit later when guests have gone. The kind gesture, a thank you and a warm smile are of more value when receiving dozens of guests.

The follow-up, thank you gift

  • In lieu of a hostess gift, if you don’t know the host well, you can send them something after the fact with a gracious thank-you note. This gives you a chance to get to know them and their tastes so you can send something appropriate that they will appreciate. It is also very nice to receive an unexpected gift after the hosting duties are over. Try to send something within three days of your departure.

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Polite Society