After a Networking Event - Do’s and Don’ts

After a Networking Event - Do’s and Don’ts

You just went with a colleague to a networking event for the free Chardonnay, but actually met a few people you may want to stay in touch with…here are a few classic post-networking events do’s and don’ts.

  • Follow up the NEXT day – send a short email summarizing the conversation/why you would like to connect in the future

  • Follow up on your follow up. Even if you don’t hear back, send a quick email about something you feel is relevant to them, or a timely article based on your conversation. This will help spark a new one.

  • Connect via LinkedIn


  • Wait too long to follow up, or correspond without specific details of your conversation, Why would this person want to talk to you ever again?

  • Start a conversation via follow up email or LinkedIn and let it completely fade or take too long to respond. Don’t leave someone hanging!

  • Don’t use a boilerplate email; it’s obvious.

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